Certified Stroke and Rehabilitation Specialists (CSRS)

According to the CDC, more than 795,000 people suffer from a stroke every year in the United States, with many of these stroke victims suffering long term disability.

Stroke rehabilitation is a complex process and is unpredictable in nature. The symptoms are often as varied as the patients themselves and the recovery can also be time intensive and difficult to determine certain outcomes.

Lightning Therapy has Certified Stroke and Rehabilitation Specialists (CSRS) that attempt to find the best possible methods of treatment to improve the overall outcomes of this special interest of rehabilitation. Our team uses some of the most recent stroke recovery evidence-based practices to assist our cliental with improving function with better patient outcomes.

Our CSRS team uses stroke recovery techniques and the most up-to-date resources to improve our client’s recovery with improvement of reduced pain, improved coordination and improved mobility to meet the client’s highest level of independence.