Trained Therapists in Various Pain Management Techniques

PAIN! Something we have all experienced at some point in our life. The goal is to relieve pain as quickly as possible.

Lightning Therapy clinicians are trained in pain management techniques used to decrease pain and discomfort whether the pain is caused by a chronic or acute condition.

The techniques that are often used by Lightning Therapy practitioners include simple stretching, recommendations of effective bracing, strength training exercises, and other techniques to assist in reducing pain.

Lightning Therapy clinicians are also certified in the use of specific modalities that include electrical stimulation, ultrasound and Kinesotape (Rock Tape).

This allows the Lightning Therapy clinician to offer the client assistance with pain management that has the potential to improve quality of life and independence with daily activities at a pain free level.


1. Isaacson S, O’Brien A, Lazaro JD, Ray A, Fluet G. The JFK BIG study: the
impact of LSVT BIG ® on dual task walking and mobility in persons with
Parkinson’s disease. J Phys Ther Sci. 2018 Apr;30(4):636-641. doi:
10.1589/jpts.30.636. Epub 2018 Apr 20. PMID: 29706722; PMCID: