Trained Lymphedema Therapists

So, your doctor just diagnosed you with Lymphedema and suggested you find a specialized lymphedema therapist.

Lightning Therapy clinicians are trained in lymphedema management and can assist with the treatment of lymphedema. Unfortunately, there is no cure for lymphedema, but proper treatment can help reduce the effects and complications that arise with this diagnosis.

Lymphedema becomes problematic since it significantly increases the risk of cellulitis (bacterial skin infection). It also promotes the development of wounds due to leakage of the fluid through the skin.

This tends to reduce the ability of the part of the body affected to heal sufficiently. It also can limit range of motion of the affected limb impacting the ability to perform simple daily living activities.

Clinicians from the Lightning Therapy team will teach you of the techniques and equipment that will help reduce your lymphedema swelling, as well as work with your doctor to ensure the proper equipment you may need is ordered correctly.

Some of the techniques used by Lightning Therapy clinicians may include gentle contraction exercises of the affected extremity to help move the excess fluid out of the swollen limb.

Lightning Therapy clinicians will take measurements for compression garments to ensure proper fit to compress the arm or leg to encourage lymph fluid drainage. Retrograde massage is another treatment modality used by the Lightning Therapy team.

No one wants to deal with the daily implications of lymphedema, but Lightning Therapy will be able to help manage your diagnosis so you can live your life to your highest level of function when performing activities of daily living skills.